Zepto has launched a new out-of-home (OOH) campaign in Uttar Pradesh, using puns and song-inspired wordplay to capture attention on the streets of cities like Bareilly, Gorakhpur, Ghaziabad, and Saharanpur. The billboards, written in English script despite the state’s Hindi preference, feature playful twists on iconic lyrics like “Jhumka Gira Re Bareli Ke Bazaar Mein” and “Tumko Dekha Toh Yeh Khayal Aaya.”

Shared by Raj Pandya of Dentsu India’s Posterscope, the campaign marks Zepto’s arrival in U.P. This approach follows a trend popularized by brands like Zomato, which used witty puns in its OOH ads. Zepto has a history of viral outdoor campaigns, including its memorable banter with Shaadi.com last year, also executed by Posterscope.

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