Tarun Jha, who previously served as the first-ever CEO of Havas Creative for just over a year, has announced on LinkedIn that he is joining JSW Steel as the new head of marketing.

“… Much grateful to all the mentors, colleagues, and friends who have been part of this journey. Look forward to more meaning and purpose in everything that I do,” Jha wrote on the professional networking site.

Before this move, Jha spent 13 months as the CEO of Havas Creative, the creative division of the Havas Group. His appointment was surprising to many, as he transitioned to the agency side after nearly 15 years at car manufacturer Skoda; typically, professionals move from the agency side to the client side.

The CEO role at Havas Creative was created specifically for Jha.

With a career spanning over 25 years, Jha has held positions at various organizations, including Mahindra, Videocon, Ogilvy, and Mudra Communications.

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