Bajaj Allianz Life, a leading private life insurer in India, has launched a compelling campaign aimed at tackling the critical issue of underinsurance. The campaign revolves around the ‘Thumb Rule’—recommending that individuals secure term insurance coverage equal to at least 10 times their annual income. Shubman Gill, a renowned cricket player, takes on the role of guiding viewers through the essentials of term insurance.

Chandramohan Mehra, Chief Marketing Officer of Bajaj Allianz Life, commented on the campaign launch, stating, “Simplifying by dejargonizing is one of the potent solutions to overcome the perceived complexity coupled with high customer inertia, a key challenge faced by the insurance industry. Lack of knowledge has been one of the key barriers resulting in India’s high protection gap at 87%. Our underinsurance educational initiative equips customers with the right advice to make sound decisions, keeping in mind the long-term protection needs of the family. Anchored on a thumb rule of 10x, we are confident that the initiative will aid easy comprehension and induce appropriate actionability.”

Through a series of captivating films, Bajaj Allianz Life emphasizes the importance of the 10X life cover guideline.

To maximize its impact, Bajaj Allianz Life has launched a 360-degree marketing campaign, spanning television, print, outdoor, digital platforms, and extensive use of financial influencers. The message will also be amplified through social media outreach. As the nation gears up for the T20 World Cup, Bajaj Allianz Life’s campaign will be showcased there, underscoring the importance of adequate insurance coverage.

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