This New Year, boAt, India’s leading audio and wearables brand, teams up with comedian Samay Raina for a humorous campaign addressing the struggle of keeping New Year’s resolutions. The campaign, titled Crazy-lution, humorously highlights why resolutions often fail, with the tagline “Samay badal gaya, ab motivation nahi.”

The video features a satirical twist, presenting boAt’s smartwatch as the “ultimate” solution, with playful, exaggerated features like “ChaatGPT” (imagining delicious scenarios), “Calorie Roast” (reminding you to pause before that extra samosa), “Step Count” (turning talk into walk), and “Long Battery Life” (staying with you even if your resolutions don’t).

boAt’s spokesperson explained the campaign blends innovation with humor, offering a fun take on the challenge of maintaining resolutions while promoting their smartwatch.

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