As the New Year’s party season kicks off, Flipkart has launched a fun ad for its quick-commerce service, Flipkart Minutes. The campaign features a group of party animals, including a parrot, who refuse to sleep while others have passed out. These nocturnal creatures symbolize partygoers who need late-night snacks or supplies.
Titled “Everything for Every Party Animal,” the ad highlights Flipkart Minutes’ promise of delivering essentials like Lay’s chips, Pepsi, and boAt speakers in under 10 minutes—ideal for those mid-party emergencies. Since its launch in August, Flipkart Minutes aims to compete in the quick-commerce market alongside Blinkit, Zepto, and Instamart.
The ad has already gained significant attention, amassing over half a million views on YouTube. Whether Flipkart Minutes will carve out a niche in the crowded market remains to be seen, but the campaign is certainly making waves.