Havells India has launched two campaigns featuring Bollywood star Vicky Kaushal to promote its grooming range, including the Havells Super Grooming Kit and trimmer. The campaigns emphasize the message #TakeChargeofYourLook, highlighting the products’ precision, versatility, and ease of use for modern men’s grooming needs.
The first film showcases a humorous interaction between Vicky and his neighbor, demonstrating the effortless performance of the grooming kit. The second film takes a more empowering approach, where Vicky mentors his friends, emphasizing the importance of grooming in building confidence and unlocking potential.
The campaigns, conceptualized by 82.5 Communications, aim to connect with young consumers who see grooming as a form of self-expression. With extensive digital and BTL support, the campaign positions Havells as a brand that helps men take control of their look, aligning with their lifestyle and aspirations.