Movado, the renowned Swiss watchmaker, has launched a new campaign featuring Bollywood star and brand ambassador, Sidharth Malhotra. The campaign showcases the actor wearing designs from Movado’s iconic collections, including Bold Quest, Bold Fusion, and Heritage Series. Inspired by movement, which is a core aspect of the brand’s identity, the visuals capture Malhotra navigating through various dynamic settings, reflecting the versatility and sophistication of Movado watches. According to Xavier Gauderlot, President International at Movado Group Inc., the focus on movement in the campaign creatively aligns with the brand’s ethos of “always in motion.”

Sidharth Malhotra expressed his excitement about continuing his journey with Movado, praising the brand’s ability to merge timeless elegance with a modern twist. He highlighted the Bold Quest and Bold Fusion collections for their contemporary designs and craftsmanship. The collaboration with Movado, known for blending heritage with innovation, resonates deeply with the actor’s own personal style and charm.

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