Myntra has launched its new campaign, “Fashion With Caution,” featuring Bollywood stars Ranbir Kapoor and Triptii Dimri, along with Sushant Singh as the charismatic reporter. The campaign humorously highlights the amusing situations that arise when wearing Myntra’s trendy collections, such as accidental spills or unexpected reactions, showcasing how easy it is to look stylish with Myntra’s diverse range of fashion options.
The campaign emphasizes Myntra’s accessibility to celebrity-inspired fashion, offering collections for every occasion, from office wear to casual outfits, ethnic wear, and more. With features like M-Express delivery, Myntra ensures quick access to high-fashion styles. The campaign uses humor to show that while looking fashionable is simple, it sometimes comes with amusing consequences.
Ranbir and Triptii share their excitement about the campaign, highlighting how Myntra makes fashion accessible, stylish, and fun. Myntra’s Director of Brand Marketing, Abhishek Gour, noted that the campaign captures the essence of Myntra’s mission to provide inclusive and innovative fashion for everyone.