Odonil, India’s top air freshener brand from Dabur India Ltd., has launched a new campaign revisiting its popular 10-year-old TVC featuring Jasmin Bhasin. The nostalgic ad taps into sentimental feelings, offering a sense of continuity and familiarity while promoting Odonil’s role in enhancing bathroom experiences and social perception.
The original ad, known for its witty tone, featured Jasmin as a newlywed bride humorously expressing concerns over the lack of Odonil in the bathroom. The updated campaign brings back those fond memories, emphasizing the brand’s freshness and long-lasting fragrance.
Vaibhav Rathi, Marketing Head at Dabur India, expressed excitement over revisiting this classic and positioning Odonil as the essential bathroom fragrance. The campaign aims to resonate with consumers, reminding them of Odonil’s ability to create a fresh and inviting environment.