Protean eGov Technologies has unveiled its new brand campaign, “Apni Kahaani ka Hero,” featuring Pankaj Tripathi as the brand ambassador. The campaign celebrates the resilience and aspirations of everyday Indians, highlighting how Protean’s Digital Public Infrastructure (DPI) solutions—such as PAN, NPS, and eKYC—empower citizens and transform lives.
The film, created by Ogilvy, follows Tripathi’s narration of a common Indian’s journey, emphasizing the role of Protean’s products in enabling success. Protean’s leaders, Suresh Sethi and Gaurav Ramdev, shared their vision of DPI as a tool for social and financial inclusion. Tripathi, a customer himself, expressed pride in representing Protean’s impactful initiatives.
This campaign builds on Protean’s rebranding from NSDL eGov and reinforces its identity as a key digital partner for India’s masses.