The popular audio streaming service Spotify has unveiled a catchy new campaign called “Music, Magic Hai,” which aims to emphasise the significant impact that music has on consumers’ lives. This ad explores how music improves different events and relationships and is available in four languages: Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, and Malayalam.

Four short films that illustrate how music brings people together, satisfies nostalgia, crosses generational divides, and is a lovely companion in daily life are part of the campaign. These advertisements highlight the transformative power of music on ordinary experiences through straightforward yet powerful storytelling.

“Music is a potent medium that has the capacity to uplift your spirits, build and repair relationships, and add magic to ordinary times. The new Spotify ad seeks to vividly capture these feelings and instances, striking a deep chord with Indian listeners,” said Neha Ahuja, Head of Marketing, Spotify India.

The films show how music crosses generational divides, invokes nostalgia, and brings friends and family together. In addition, Spotify is providing Indian consumers with a special offer to improve their listening experience: three months of Spotify Premium for ₹59 (good till August 25th).

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