YesMadam, a leading at-home salon service in India, has launched a heartfelt Diwali campaign featuring Bollywood star Shraddha Kapoor. The campaign emphasizes inclusivity and trust, building on last year’s successful collaboration with Shraddha and her father, Shakti Kapoor.

In the new ad, Shraddha invites a YesMadam service partner to join her family’s Diwali celebrations, highlighting the contributions of gig workers. Co-founder Mayank Arya stated that the campaign aims to create an ecosystem where gig workers feel valued, while co-founder Akanksha Vishnoi emphasized fostering meaningful connections.

Shraddha expressed pride in promoting a message of appreciation for those who enhance festive moments. The campaign not only acknowledges the efforts of gig workers but also reinforces YesMadam’s commitment to transforming the industry, including its goal of zero commissions for service providers. Overall, it serves as a reminder of the unsung heroes who make celebrations special.

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