The BBC has appointed Hayley Valentine, an experienced journalist and editorial leader, as its new Director in Scotland. Valentine brings extensive experience from her time within the BBC as well as from working in Scotland’s independent production sector.

Valentine joined the BBC in 1996 and has since held various significant roles, including Executive Producer of BBC Question Time, Director of Current Affairs at Mentorn, Head of News at Radio 5 Live, and Head of the BBC Radio newsroom. She was also the launch editor of BBC Scotland’s Nine news programme. Most recently, she served as Head of BBC Midlands in Birmingham.

Tim Davie, the BBC Director-General, praised her appointment, saying: “Hayley is a proven creative leader with a passionate commitment to serving audiences across Scotland. I know she is determined to build on BBC Scotland’s editorial success – strengthening its online services and working with partners right across the sector to ensure Scotland packs a creative punch not just at home, but internationally too.”

Valentine expressed her excitement about the new role, stating: “I am thrilled to have been asked to lead BBC Scotland. There is a wealth of first-class creative talent in Scotland within the BBC and across the wider sector. I am looking forward to working with them all to create the highest quality content for our audiences in Scotland, and to represent Scotland to audiences across the UK and beyond. I really can’t wait to get started.”

In her new position, Valentine will oversee the development of content and services for Scottish audiences across television, radio, and online. This includes popular programmes like BBC Reporting Scotland, Sportscene, Disclosure, BBC Radio Scotland, the BBC Scotland channel, and the BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra.

Valentine will succeed Steve Carson in the role of Director and is set to assume her new post in early November.

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