Deepak Chaurasia’s journey through the Indian media landscape has been marked by a series of notable shifts between various news channels. Now, he’s making waves in the digital realm with his latest venture, “Aage Se Right.”

Chaurasia’s transition from television to YouTube underscores the evolving nature of media consumption and the growing influence of digital platforms. Throughout his career, he’s encountered moments of controversy, such as the General Bipin Rawat and VP Singh mix-up, which have only added to the colorful tapestry of his professional trajectory.

His decision to venture into the digital space with a focus on critiquing the Congress and offering his analysis reflects his ongoing engagement with political discourse.

In a recent announcement on X, he shared, “Congress has historically stood between the ideologies of the right and left. However, there are accusations now that it not only incorporates left-wing ideology but also includes their leaders. To delve into my analysis and explore the correct ideological stance on these issues, join me on my website #AageSeRight, launching on April 17th, coinciding with #Ramnavami.”

The reasons behind his departures from News Nation and Zee News remain somewhat ambiguous, with speculation ranging from controversial incidents to organizational restructuring. Nonetheless, his resilience in the industry, spanning nearly three decades and including roles at prominent news channels like Aaj Tak, ABP News, and India News, underscores his enduring significance within the Indian media landscape.

As he embarks on this new chapter with “Aage Se Right,” observers are eager to see how Chaurasia adapts to the digital realm and whether he continues to maintain his controversial yet captivating presence in the media sphere.

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