Beatgrid has partnered with Disney Star to offer cross-platform measurement insights, leveraging Beatgrid’s advanced deterministic measurement technology. This collaboration uses Automatic Content Recognition (ACR) to gauge campaign performance across both linear TV and digital platforms, providing advertisers with a unified methodology and metrics for assessing campaign impact. Studies show linear TV excels in audience engagement and brand memorability, while digital video offers targeted reach and balanced ad frequency. The collaboration demonstrates superior brand impact on linear TV’s professionally generated content (PGC) and highlights a consistent 10%+ improvement in key brand metrics for campaigns on linear TV’s PGC.

Disney Star aims to enhance advertising effectiveness measurement in India through this partnership. Ajit Varghese, Head of Network Ad Sales at Disney Star, emphasized the value of Beatgrid’s ACR technology in understanding cross-channel campaign impacts. Beatgrid Co-founder Daniel Tjondronegoro highlighted the collaboration’s significance in providing brands with a comprehensive understanding of their advertising impact across multiple platforms.

This partnership reflects the commitment of Disney Star and Beatgrid to drive innovation and support strategic decision-making in a rapidly evolving media environment.

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