Gaurav Jeet Singh has recently taken on a pivotal new role at Meta, being named the Director of Agencies & VC Partnerships, India. This significant move was announced via a LinkedIn post by Gaurav, marking a new chapter in his career at Meta, where he continues to play an instrumental role in shaping the company’s strategy in the Indian market.

Before this exciting promotion, Gaurav was leading Meta’s Agency Business in India. His expertise in building strong agency relationships and driving growth in the digital advertising landscape has earned him this new position, where he will now focus on furthering partnerships with venture capital firms and agencies across the country.

His announcement on LinkedIn drew congratulations and positive feedback from industry peers, acknowledging his contributions and his leadership within Meta. Gaurav’s journey at Meta and his ability to lead strategic partnerships reflect his deep understanding of the digital ecosystem and the evolving needs of both agencies and VC partners in India.

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