Platinum Outdoor, a unit of Madison World, has launched an extensive OOH campaign titled ‘Hum Samajhte Hain Business’ for Godrej Capital, the financial services arm of Godrej Industries Group. The campaign, spanning 28 cities, aims to enhance awareness and consideration among potential customers, aligning with the brand’s goal to target hub and spoke markets.

Over 20 days, Platinum Outdoor strategically placed over 170 high-impact units in key locations, including high-traffic roads, junctions, market areas, and industrial belts. Utilizing large format media and Madison’s advanced planning tools, the campaign ensures maximum visibility. The media mix included billboards and DOOH, effectively capturing the attention of diverse audiences.

Nalin Jain, Chief Marketing Officer of Godrej Capital, commented, “At Godrej Capital, we are dedicated to understanding and supporting the dreams of business owners. The ‘Hum Samajhte Hain Business’ campaign reflects this commitment. Through our partnership with Platinum Outdoor, we have strategically amplified our reach and engagement across key markets, ensuring our message reaches the target audience. This campaign strengthens our brand presence and reinforces our dedication to empowering business owners’ financial aspirations.”

Dipankar Sanyal, CEO of Platinum Outdoor & MRP, added, “We are thrilled to partner with Godrej Capital on the ‘Hum Samajhte Hain Business’ campaign. Strategizing and executing this campaign has been an exciting experience for our teams, and we are already seeing significant impact and brand awareness.”

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