Infibeam Avenues, a Gujarat-based company, has agreed to acquire a 54% stake in for approximately Rs.50 crore. This move marks Infibeam’s entry into consumer-facing digital financial services. By integrating its digital payment solutions, platform business, and AI capabilities with’s content and user base, Infibeam aims to create a unified digital ecosystem. This integration is expected to boost user engagement and open new revenue streams, particularly through cross-selling financial products like loans and insurance., which attracts over 55 million monthly visitors and ranks among the top 1000 global sites, offers valuable data for targeting financial services. Infibeam plans to leverage this data to enhance product uptake and customer lifetime value. The acquisition also aims to diversify Infibeam’s portfolio, integrating services such as enterprise email and financial solutions to broaden its market presence.

Infibeam’s strong regulatory compliance, backed by its RBI authorization and international PTSP Certification from Saudi Arabia, supports its expansion. The company anticipates significant revenue growth and business expansion in both domestic and international markets following this strategic acquisition.

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