As brands focus more on retaining existing customers rather than acquiring new ones, MICA Ahmedabad has launched a new course, ‘Tech Tonic – Consumer Tech and Campaign Management’. This program, developed in collaboration with WebEngage, aims to teach students key concepts in consumer technology, retention marketing, and campaign management.

The course, delivered over eight intensive sessions, will be led by industry experts and will explore the intersection of traditional marketing theories and modern data analytics. MICA Dean Prof. Githa Heggde emphasized the importance of understanding the technological advancements reshaping consumer experiences, while Prof. Santosh Patra and Prof. Anirudh Kalia highlighted the necessity of mastering data-driven strategies in the evolving media landscape.

WebEngage’s Chief Growth Officer, Ankur Gattani, praised the course for aligning with the demand for skilled professionals in user engagement and retention. Notable industry leaders, including Rabe T Iyer and Anand Chakravarthy, will contribute their insights, providing students with a comprehensive understanding of effective marketing in today’s competitive environment.

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