Myntra, a leading Indian fashion platform, has launched ‘The Ultimate Glam Clan,’ a major shopper-led creator program aimed at Gen-Z. This initiative encourages shoppers to share high-quality personal photos as part of product reviews, enhancing content discovery and informed purchasing. Recognizing Gen-Z’s reliance on reviews—two-thirds of their purchases are influenced by them—Myntra aims to democratize fashion by empowering everyday shoppers to co-create style conversations.

The program features a multi-tiered structure with increasing benefits, including commission opportunities, brand collaborations, and exclusive events. Creators will also access analytics for real-time insights on their reviews, helping them transition from shoppers to creators.

Sunder Balasubramanian, Myntra’s CMO, emphasized that the program not only allows Gen-Z to discover trends but also to actively shape them, fostering a vibrant and creative shopping experience. With promising early engagement, Myntra is excited to see how this initiative evolves within the creator space.

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