News18 India successfully hosted the Bihar edition of the Diamond States Summit in Patna, following successful events in Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, and Maharashtra. The summit brought together key leaders, policymakers, and industry figures, including Deputy Chief Minister Vijay Kumar Sinha and several state ministers, to discuss Bihar’s future.

Sinha emphasized the importance of selfless leadership and criticized those who exploit Gandhi’s principles for political gain. He highlighted improvements in law and order under Nitish Kumar’s administration, contrasting it with chaos linked to the RJD.

Water Resources Minister Vijay Chaudhary downplayed Prashant Kishor’s proposals, stressing the government’s focus on relief efforts amid recent flooding. He affirmed public support for Nitish Kumar, despite criticism.

Deputy CM Samrat Choudhary also defended Kumar’s prohibition policy and criticized the RJD’s past leadership for crime issues.

Rajya Sabha MP Sanjay Jha praised Kumar for transforming Bihar and highlighted advancements in infrastructure and law enforcement. The summit concluded on an optimistic note, with participants focused on collaborative strategies for Bihar’s development.

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