NODWIN Gaming Private Limited announced that its Singapore-based subsidiary, NODWIN Gaming International Pte. Ltd, will fully acquire Berlin-based Freaks 4U Gaming GmbH, increasing its stake from 13.51% to 100% through a share swap deal valued at INR 271 crore (Euro 30.3 million).

Initially, NODWIN Pte will raise its stake to 57%, with the remaining 43% held by Freaks 4U Gaming founders to be acquired later. Existing investors of Freaks 4U Gaming will become shareholders of NODWIN Pte. Freaks 4U Gaming, a full-service gaming and esports agency, generated INR 223 crore in 2023.

The acquisition aims to enhance NODWIN’s capabilities, leveraging Freaks 4U Gaming’s expertise and network to significantly boost revenues. Since January 2024, NODWIN has collaborated with Freaks 4U Gaming on high-profile projects and explored new business opportunities, leading to this strategic move.

The integration will bolster NODWIN’s access to developed markets and strengthen its execution capabilities in PC gaming and publishing support services. The combined strengths will enable a global delivery model in the esports sector.

NODWIN’s Co-Founder, Akshat Rathee, and Freaks 4U Gaming’s CEO, Michael Haenisch, expressed enthusiasm about the acquisition, highlighting their shared vision for innovation and global expansion in the gaming and esports industries.

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