POCO India has announced Bollywood actor Akshay Kumar as its brand ambassador, just ahead of the POCO X7 series launch on January 9 at 5:30 PM. This collaboration aligns with POCO’s “Made of MAD” philosophy and the X7 campaign, “Xceed Your Limits,” aimed at inspiring bold innovation.
The X7 series introduces standout features like a durable 1.5K AMOLED 3D Curved Display on the X7 and a segment-leading 6550mAh battery with advanced technology on the X7 Pro. Both models run on Xiaomi HyperOS 2.0, offering AI-driven performance and flagship-level features at affordable prices.
Akshay Kumar praised POCO’s fearless innovation, while POCO India’s Country Head, Himanshu Tandon, highlighted this partnership as a step toward redefining value and scaling new heights in India’s tech landscape.