Nodwin Gaming, a leading name in the esports industry, has welcomed Rashmi Ranjan Mishra to its team as Vice President of Business Development. Mishra, previously serving as Business Head – Revenue at Nazara Technologies Ltd., brings a wealth of experience and expertise to his new role.

Taking to LinkedIn to share the news, Mishra expressed his excitement about joining Nodwin Gaming and embarking on a new chapter in his professional journey.

In his capacity as Vice President of Business Development, Mishra will play a pivotal role in driving growth and forging strategic partnerships for Nodwin Gaming. His experience in revenue management and business strategy will be instrumental in furthering the company’s objectives and expanding its footprint in the esports landscape.

Mishra’s transition to Nodwin Gaming underscores the company’s commitment to recruiting top talent and strengthening its position as a key player in the esports industry. With his leadership and expertise, Nodwin Gaming is poised to achieve new milestones and capitalize on emerging opportunities in the dynamic world of gaming and esports.

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