WPP has appointed Deepa Jatkar, formerly of Wavemaker, as India head for OpenDoor, a specialized unit created to manage Amazon’s media account. Amazon’s media business, considered the “Global Media Pitch of the Decade,” went up for review in late 2023, with WPP and Omnicom Media Group (OMG) emerging as joint winners in September 2024, defeating incumbent IPG’s Initiative.
OpenDoor is a global, client-specific unit designed to integrate WPP’s capabilities across various disciplines, including media, tech, consultancy, and more. The model focuses on maximizing productivity and innovation for Amazon, aligning with both companies’ strengths.
To strengthen its position in India, a key market for Amazon, WPP is expanding its team with new leadership and hires in areas such as planning and investment. Jatkar, with over 20 years of experience in media and consumer tech, joined Wavemaker India in 2023 as Chief Growth Officer after a tenure at Meta India.